Tag Archives: frustration

Sucky Vocabulary!

I’m having such a hard time remembering vocabulary!! It really sucks. I’ve never really had to study for anything before but now I find that Korean is the exception to a lot of the rules I lived by.  I’d welcome the change if I wasn’t so frustrated at the moment.

I’m currently using Ewha’s Korean 1-1 Textbook and, man, they just throw vocabulary in your face! I’ve often considered buying a second textbook to solidify some of the vocabulary and concepts.  It would also help to have a variety of exercises to learn with. I just have no idea which textbook would be best (Suggestions are welcome).



I guess right now vocabulary is my biggest weakness, considering I don’t have much use for speaking right now.  I’ve tried reviewing the chapters, making vocabulary lists, and even bringing it back to elementary school days with three times each (hahaha that was fun but didn’t help that much).  I’ve also tried to use websites like quizlet and memrise but I feel like it’s a waste of time if I’m not actually retaining anything.  I think I just need to find a system that will work the best for me.  For now, I’ll just keep studying.  What do you all do for vocabulary or a concept that you are finding particularly tricky?
